What folks are saying…

about Spiritual Counseling

“I have had the privilege of working with Satya in weekly one-on-one counseling for over 18 months. During that time, she has equipped me to weather some of the most challenging family situations I have ever experienced. She has shown me how to attend to present moment experience and to listen to the leading of the divine within. She has gently led me to confront and resolve limitations that have held me back for years. If you want to know what it looks like to live a life of liberation and integrity, I encourage you to work with Satya.” – Aeryn Johnson, Executive Director, JPMorgan Chase & Co

“Whether in person or online, Satya offers respectful space for honoring, a catalyst for self healing through her artful presence.”

“Satya holds a space of deep stillness that is agendaless, open and yet full of curiosity and heart. That trustable holding allows my heart, mind and body to soften, trust and unfold at a pace that feels natural and attuned. Her skill set runs deep. She has guided me through core traumas and wounds, helped me explore the psycho dynamic roots of my patterns and supported states of profound expansion and joy. I would recommend her to anyone who is committed to the inner journey.” – SE

“It has been such a tremendous and invaluable blessing in my life to have found Satya and to have access to her wisdom, insight, experience and authentic presence. She has helped to accelerate my own understanding of myself in a way I didn’t know was possible. It is so rare to come across another being that is able to model non-judgement in the way that I have experienced it with Satya. This modeling of non-judgement creates a space of healing and learning without which it would be impossible to uncover the parts of myself plastered over by shame; to look at myself with love, understanding and acceptance. Once you have the opportunity to be supported in this way and experience this growth, life opens up with exciting possibilities and you realize that this is what every human deserves.” – LL

“Satya's counseling skills lie not only in her ability to guide, but her guiding in an open ended way. This exquisite faculty has allowed me to traverse the depths of my being in ways I thought not possible. I found Satyas personal ness both authentic and respectful. Her willingness to repair when there was misunderstanding or misattunement provided a strong container for me to explore my feelings with a felt sense of trust. Our working alliance whether in person or virtually has been such a support for my growth and healing. Thank you Satya body, heart, and soul!” -- SB

“Satya is a beautiful, radiant soul whose teachings, care, love, experience, and touch have helped me greatly on my journey of healing and evolution. Her warm and full presence is always apparent, whether expressed on the yoga mat, through her hands as a bodyworker, or in her spiritual counseling sessions. Her commitment to truth is remarkable, and has been a guiding force in my quest to know myself. Through working with Satya, I have developed a new foundation from which I can participate in life as a consciously embodied being.” –GM

I'm deeply appreciative of the profound transformations I've undergone through my experiences with Satya over the years. Beyond mere physical relief, her intuitive touch and serene presence have woven a genuinely spiritual journey for me. Satya’s expertise, intuition, and divine care have turned each session into a chance for me to align with myself and connect with my higher power. I wholeheartedly recommend Satya to those in search of more than just relaxation, but a profound connection with oneself. – Nick Gargala, former full leader Man Kind Project

“Satya Aune has been a tremendous (wise) compatriot-teacher for me, helping me better understand and strengthen internal terrain with empathy and forthrightness. Cannot recommend another more highly.” – Anna Limkin

“During my sessions with Satya, I feel that she understands my needs and knows how to guide me in a safe and trusting space. Satya holds a very kind and grounded energy and her counseling feels like a warm hug – whether in person or via ZOOM. After just a few months of working with Satya I’ve developed years of growth. Her ability to teach and heal me has been refreshing and such a blessing in my life. I recommend Satya’s counseling to anyone, especially to anyone who has tried “traditional” forms of therapy and never felt truly heard or understood.” – MM

“Satya’s sensitivity to energy blockages on all levels whether physical, emotional or spiritual are quite profound. Satya has helped free ip so much flow in places I didn’t even know were blocked.” –STW

 Satya’s ability to hold space for me through the most difficult areas of my internal landscape has allowed me to finally find acceptance for those parts of myself that I was unable to love, and given me the confidence and tools I needed to continue forward in this life in a way I didn’t think possible before our work together. Her humility, grace and humor in the face of the great mystery of life is an inspiration and a precious gift. I would recommend her to anyone who is authentically seeking a more expanded awareness of self and a greater experience of joy and well being.” – Joseph, Boulder, CO

“Satya Aune has been a tremendous (wise) compatriot-teacher for me, helping me better understand and strengthen internal terrain with empathy and forthrightness. Cannot recommend another more highly…” –AL

“Satya has been by my side on my path to well-being—as a spiritual teacher, a body worker, a yoga instructor and a healer.  She is a loving and compassionate guide and I have trusted her to take me where no one else has.  She is intuitive and has the magical ability to know what I need often long before I do. I can’t think of a better companion to accompany me on my path to restored health and greater self-awareness.” – SL

words from another spiritual being

“As a Healer and a Teacher Satya is a Unique and Powerful Expression of Love in Action.  Our work together was the key that unlocked the door to loving and healing myself after over 12 years of chronic illness and severe emotional distress. 

There is something that I can only describe as magical about working with Satya, she has been consistently able to penetrate my most deeply held defenses and go straight to the core of my imbalance in such a way that resistance disappears and healing occurs spontaneously and naturally.

 After over a decade of seeking for help with my physical and emotional problems and over two years of being unable to work or effectively care for myself I had almost completely given up hope, and had resigned myself to a life of severely limited functionality, both physical and emotional. In the course of a few short months of working together my physical health had restored to the point where I am now working full time in a field I love, and my emotional state has become stable to the point where I am able to face the trauma and pain of my childhood in such a way that I now have faith that I can not only heal from my past but thrive.

 I am 42 now, before working with Satya I had almost no memory of my life from age 5 to age 12. After only a few sessions those memories began to return. Our work together allowed me to integrate those memories in a way that has given me great strength and peace in the face of an extremely difficult childhood, as well as decades of re-creating that trauma in the form of poor choices and toxic relationships. There is no question in my mind that I would not have been able to unlock and heal the past without Satya’s extraordinary ability to hold a space of deep love and witness as she cleared these holding patterns from my body and psyche.

 Her devotion to her own growth as a person and practitioner is in my opinion a key component to her effectiveness in assisting others in walking their path to fullness. It is clear in working together with Satya that when she is guiding you through the dark forest of fears, pain, obstacles and insecurities that she has walked these paths herself, has found a light to guide her own way, and is sharing that light with you as you walk together. There is no textbook mumbo-jumbo or new age one-liners here, Satya is a trustworthy guide who has traveled her own personal inner landscape to the point where she can confidently lead others through their own.

 Satya’s ability to hold space for me through the most difficult areas of my internal landscape has allowed me to finally find acceptance for those parts of myself that I was unable to love, and given me the confidence and tools I needed to continue forward in this life in a way I didn’t think possible before our work together. Her humility, grace and humor in the face of the great mystery of life is an inspiration and a precious gift. I would recommend her to anyone who is authentically seeking a more expanded awareness of self and a greater experience of joy and well being.” – Joseph, Boulder, CO


about bodywork

“Satya is a beautiful, radiant soul whose teachings, care, love, experience, and touch have helped me greatly on my journey of healing and evolution. Her warm and full presence is always apparent, whether expressed on the yoga mat, through her hands as a bodyworker, or in her spiritual counseling sessions. Her commitment to truth is remarkable, and has been a guiding force in my quest to know myself. Through working with Satya, I have developed a new foundation from which I can participate in life as a consciously embodied being.”

~ G. Miller, 2021


about yoga

“Satya Gita Aune is a wonderful Professional Yoga Instructor, and so much more. She is a woman who cares deeply and authentically for others and each persons’ unique journey into wholeness and being well. She is a loving soul whose heartfelt gifts resonate, uplift and inspire.Whether in person or online she offers respectful space for honoring, a catalyst for self healing through her artful presence.” – DF

“You're such an amazing instructor and your classes flow just so beautifully and are so well balanced in all ways.” – Zoom Student, 2020

“Satya has been by my side on my path to well-being as a spiritual teacher, a body worker, a yoga instructor and a healer. She is a loving and compassionate guide and I have trusted her to take me where no one else has. She is intuitive and has the magical ability to know what I need often long before I do. I can’t think of a better companion to accompany me on my path to restored health and greater self-awareness.” – client and student

“Finding your class was just so great- you're such an amazing instructor and your classes flow just so beautifully and are so well balanced in all ways. . . I miss the chemistry of being in class in person, but the ease of joining with the press of a button during a chaotic day is really lovely. ” – Zoom Student, 2020


about retreats

"Satya and Alaya are who you want to be with in the wilderness while finding the wild within. For me the Lassen Embodiment retreat was transformative. I was able to find and drop into my long abandoned Self, in a supportive and safe container with the love of intentional community. This is the third retreat I've been on in my entire life and the third with Satya. She is such a deeply special person to me and I am forever grateful to have crossed paths with this extraordinary human."

“Satya is such a special individual and it’s an honor to have any time at all in her presence. Add in therapeutic hot springs, yoga, meditation, chanting and the intimacy of a small group in a beautiful natural environment – at the end of the weekend you pretty much feel like you’ve “gone to the moon.” I can’t recommend this retreat highly enough for anyone wanting to s-l-o-w, move more inward and come home to themselves”. –2019 Retreat Participant

“What an incredible experience, life changing even. I am stuck in a bliss hangover, in awe over the magnitude of self realization that arose. I can't recommend this retreat enough to anyone looking to deepen their life experience.”

“Wonderful and nourishing weekend.

Satya is a gifted, highly skilled teacher of embodiment and of living spiritual principles on the ground, in real life. I went away feeling relaxed, my body and mind opened and inspired. Highly recommended!”

“What an amazing retreat with Satya at Sierra Hot Springs! This was my first time working with Satya who came highly recommended, also my first time at Sierra Hot Springs and both exceeded my expectations. Satya's healing energy mixed with being in nature at the hot springs made the weekend magical. I am looking forward to doing more work with this beautiful yoga practitioner.”

"Satya's a Swiss army knife (or is it a Norwegian army knife?) of talents that include singing, playing the flute and drum, leading yoga, Qigong and delivering spiritual teachings while upholding a container for all participants to feel safe and experience transformation in. If you're looking to connect with yourself and experience embodiment, this is it." – SM, 2022